Mon, 17 October 2016
Illeana Douglas has starred in films from Goodfellas and Cape Fear to To Die For and Alive and TV shows like Six Feet Under. Plus, she created and hosted her own successful comedy and breakthrough TV show that took place in an IKEA store. Right now, she's hosting a TV series on the TCM network. Her life in and around movies makes for a world that you just can't hear enough about. Illeana's grandfather was a two time Oscar winner and yet she grew up going hungry many days in a family that had no money. Why is Dennis Hopper to blame for this? Illeana tells us. The conversation with Illeana Douglas is broken into two episodes because of it's length. This is part one. Josh Weinstein (J.Elvis Weinstein) joins Mark Thompson for the conversation. As always, we begin with THE FAST 15: Politics and more with Michael Shure sharing thoughts on what's happening with the GOP during this tumultuous time and a story of an Arab Prince who's a reformer but a decadent one.